8 New Davey Awards for Metajive

Another year, another bucket of Davey Awards for the Metajive team for our work with kswaveco.com and dreambox.com.
The Daveys have a special place in our heart. The largest and most prestigious awards competition exclusively for the “Davids” of creativity, these awards mean we’ve punched above our weight once more. The first major awards competition specifically for smaller agencies, the Daveys have recognized Metajive and our work for three consecutive years now.The Surf Ranch is where surfers go to find their own version of Nirvana. Brain child of pro-surfer Kelly Slater and home to the world's best wave, Metajive was privileged to help take the brand and site to the next level.

DreamBox is an online learning platform that meets students where they’re at. It intelligently adapts to the way they learn, and helps them excel no matter who they are or where they live. When the pandemic hit and many kids switched to remote learning, schools and families needed DreamBox more than ever. DreamBox needed a website and platform that reflected the incredible product they provide.

DAVEY GOLD AWARDS• Surf Ranch – General. Sports for Websites• DreamBox – General. Corporate Communications for Websites• DreamBox – General. Education for Websites
DAVEY SILVER AWARDS• Surf Ranch – Features. Best User Interface for Websites• Surf Ranch – Features. Art Direction for Websites• Surf Ranch – Features. Best Visual Appeal - Aesthetic for Websites• DreamBox – Features. Best User Experience for Websites• DreamBox – Features. Best User Interface for Websites
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